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Old 11-05-2020, 03:44 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: Gainesville, Missouri
Posts: 520

I had a similar problem, when I first started quilting, I had a couple of friends that went nuts and got me a bunch of fabric. Some of it was gorgeous and I had no issue using them, but then they also got some that were questionable, not so much the design on the fabric, more like what the fabric actually was. Since they couldn't remember what the fabric was or where they even got it, I put them in the bottom of my fabric organizer and figured at some point in time, I'd use them.

Skip ahead almost six years later when I decide I'm going to get back into quilting and I'm going through my stash, I realize I had a lot of fabric that I just couldn't remember what I bought it for or when going through what they got me, what they were made of. Fiancé suggested throwing them out, which some I did do that with because a mouse got into my organizer and made a nice little nest. I wanted to get better fabric and I knew I was going to have to weed out what I had, so I grabbed all of my fabric, threw it on my dining room table and started cutting them down. Some I saved back for scraps to audition blocks I was interested in, the rest, I stash busted our nine-patch quilt with. It's comfy, it's warm, the fabric was used and it made me feel a lot better and a lot more accomplished because I made something with it all.
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