Thread: Pumpkins
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Old 11-07-2020, 06:42 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
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Some pumpkins are better for eating than others. Some of the Halloween pumpkins aren't really meant to be eaten (by humans) at all, but you don't always know until you open it up and see what you have.

I do like squash and pumpkin is just a squash. I either cut into chunks and bake or microwave pumpkin, boiling it adds too much water. Once cooked, remove the skin and depending on your desires and texture and pumpkin, either cut into chunks or make into puree.

When I do carve a Jack o Lantern, which isn't often these days, I coat it inside and out with a bit of pinesol -- which makes it poisonous but gives a lovely shine, keeps it lasting longer, keeps the mold away longer, as well as the fruit flies, and it is still considered safe for me to put in my recycling -- but I wouldn't in my own organic compost.
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