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Old 11-15-2020, 05:11 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,101

I do a lot of controlled scrappy. For those, including Bonnie Hunter projects, the best way to think of it/choose fabrics that clearly are what they are -- so for Bonnie this year it is gray and orange and gold and red and green. You can have 1 red or 20 reds... they all should be "red".

I have controlled scrappy that are all Blue for example, sorted into values of light, medium and dark. Or where the goal was to go into my purple box and see what came out...

I have controlled scrappy where I'm building each block out of different fabrics, sometimes in the same color placement, sometimes you get wild changes by switching around what is light or dark or whatever blocks. Last year's Bonnie Hunter was really about careful pairing of fabrics.

And then I have the more chaotic scrappy... I have a lot harder time with this sort of thing and still try to have some consistency somewhere. Did a few different takes on that sort of thing last year -- just haven't been very productive this year.

I have updated a couple of my albums lately -- but like I say, it hasn't been a very productive year for me. Here's my album page for many wide examples of scrappy -- some of which I'm more comfortable than others!
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