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Old 11-21-2020, 12:39 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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The reason is the manufactures cannot get supplies to make the paper. When the store warehouses are empty they are empty. Nothing to do with hoarding. Restrictions were put on when the stores realized the supply was getting low and may not be filled for a while. I bought extra when there were plenty to go around so I don't have to buy when the supply is scarce. That is stocking up etiquette.

Walmart had bottles of hand sanitizer marked down to .50 a bottle because they had a Halloween label. So I bought lots, no one else seemed to want them, even the shoppers around me. Did they not remember when you couldn't find any to buy anywhere? Supply was plenty in February, zero in March. It happens in a matter of days. I guess they forgot all about that.

One woman asked was I going to save them for next Halloween. I said sure. I was thinking really lady? I'm going to use them now, at Christmas, at Easter, and even the 4th of July. This is not hoarding it's called common sense.
I'm on my last bottle with the Snowman label from last Christmas clearance. Because I had the bottles of sanitizer to share with family it saved a lot of bottles for others when the supply got scarce last spring.

Last edited by Onebyone; 11-21-2020 at 12:58 PM.
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