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Old 11-21-2020, 11:33 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2019
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Originally Posted by QuiltE
The info I read earlier, was to not put things like our masks in plastic bags, as the virus would have a nice warm place to go forth and multiply!

For masks, they suggested a clean paper bag was a better storage location than plastic.

Thus for quilts, I would think the same concept ..... Launder in as hot as water as possible. Likewise, as hot as possible in the dryer.
Moisture is Covid s friend. Dry is the enemy. Covid sits inside microdroplets of water. This is why we mask up. Completely involuntarily we exhale these microdroplets with every breath. They are caught in the cloth. (Watch yourself create little puffs of "smoke" when you talk outside on cold winter days. Compare with and without mask).

So on the oaper_these microdroplets can dry... killing the Covid. Plastic it won't dry.
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