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Old 12-10-2020, 01:56 PM
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Originally Posted by dunster View Post
I'll be doing absolutely nothing. No tree, no decorations, no lights, as usual. I used to decorate when the kids were at home, and especially love to look at the lights on the tree, but it's a lot of work to haul everything out of boxes in the garage, and then put everything back in just a few weeks, not to mention trying to find a decent tree for a reasonable price in SoCal during a pandemic under stay-at-home orders. (Getting the tree was so much easier when I lived in Oregon, and in Canada we just went outside and cut one down.) I will probably make some gingersnaps, my favorite cookie, but maybe not because those COVID pounds are starting to appear.

Edited to say - I did put my Christmas log cabin quilt on a guest bed yesterday. Does that count?
Dunster, that quilt is absolutely gorgeous.
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