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Old 12-15-2020, 08:57 AM
Janice McC
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Hav4boys, beautiful quilts for your sons and nephew.

IrishMom, Christmas sneaked up on us, too. I have Christmas presents here for everyone and now I'm afraid it's too late to ship them for Christmas arrival. I know a bit how you are feeling. My DS and his wife want us to visit for Christmas. They all had Covid a couple of months back and consider themselves completely immune but DH and I aren't quite convinced it's all that simple. They think they cannot bring it to us. We're going to have to call them later today say "no", as much as we want to spend the baby's first Christmas with them. They're going to be disappointed but they seem to think we are overreacting but we know several of people who have had covid, two our age and both hospitalized for it and an acquaintance died from its complications. They will just have to understand.

I'm sorry to hear you are struggling with the Minky on your B23 quilt. Never used it myself because I heard much the same thing from others about the weight and problems quilting. I do wish you luck in finishing it. I look forward to seeing it when you are done.

MadebySue, I'm in the same boat for shipping. With the overwhelming number of packages being shipped, I guess all the shipping companies are overloaded. Plus FedEx and UPS are shipping the vaccine all around the country so I don't know how that will affect normal deliveries. Wish I knew how to best ship mine. Please post a pick of your wall hanging when it's done. Love looking at everyone's work!

One last thing. I spoke with Jaba's husband, Bill, yesterday. His family has all headed home and he's adjusting. He said they have a daughter and granddaughter who are into quilting and that one of them may be able to make up the quilt tops Jaba left behind. Also, he said jokingly perhaps he should learn to quilt. Wouldn't Jaba like that! We had a nice little laugh, bittersweet but nice. He may give the Flurries blocks to one of the family to make his quilt. I wished him well from all of us.

Have a pleasant day, Flurries!
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