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Old 12-17-2020, 04:28 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2019
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Originally Posted by givio View Post
Probably the Christmas clue will be to sew something. From the yardage given and the cutting given, it seems there is leftover fabric. Is that what you see too? Maybe there will be more cutting of that at some time?
I'm wondering if it might have something to do with the Fabric A. I have small leftovers for a lot of my fabrics but from what I remember from last year, she tends to be pretty generous with the estimates needed so that's not too unusual. However, with the pieces cut from the Fabric A currently, I still have over 14 inches x the length of fabric unaccounted for. She said the Fabric A would be used for the outer borders and someone pointed out the pieces we've already cut are perfectly sized for those borders if cornerstones (?) (capstone? I'm forgetting the word- corner blocks) are used. Given all that and the mention of a medallion setting in the center that I think would be weird if it didn't include any of the main fabric, I'd guess we'll be cutting some more of that Fabric A on Christmas (if we're really lucky, maybe we'll get the directions for creating the medallion in full that day!)
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