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Old 12-28-2020, 02:14 PM
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Default Sourdough Corn Tortillas

Don't mind me...I've been in the kitchen lately, having fun fermenting things. Food and cooking is my hobby and I love to try new, exotic and other weird stuff. If it's not your thing, then kindly just pass this thread by.

So, for you brave cooks out there that are still with me...I got the thinking today while I was making miso and sourdough bread...hummm...what about fermented corn? I looked it up and yes, there are fermented corn recipes. I was drawn straight to the fermented corn tortillas. Basically, they're just plain, corn tortillas with a couple of tablespoons of sourdough starter mixed in. (The plain dough recipe is on any bag of masa harina.) So simple!

They call them, "fermented corn tortillas," because fermenting is so trendy right now and they'll get more hits to their site by using that word. (I'm always reminded of the show, "Portlandia," which makes fun of young trendizoids and hipsters..LOL. "I can pickle that!" Put a bird on it!")

Anyway, tortillas are pretty easy to make, so ya'll might want to try this one.

Here's the recipe:

2 cups of Masa Harina
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/3 cup of lukewarm water
2 Tablespoons of sourdough starter

Put the Masa Harina and salt in a bowl and stir together. Put the sourdough starter and lukewarm water in a large measuring cup, or bowl and stir together. Pour the water/sourdough mixture into the flour mixture and mix thoroughly. You can use your hands to do the final mixing. Cover and let sit for a couple of hours, up to 8 hours max.

Heat up a cast iron skillet to medium. Divide the dough into 16 balls. Flatten a ball with a tortilla press, or rolling pin. (I use parchment paper, or plastic wrap on the top and bottom of the ball, so that it doesn't stick and is easier to transfer to the skillet.) Transfer your rolled out tortilla to the skillet and cook for just a minute, or two on each side. Remove from skillet and place in a clean, folded dishtowel to keep warm. The tortilla may seem a little stiff at first, but it will soften as it sits in the towel. Repeat this process with the rest of the dough balls. Serve immediately.

This is the first time that I've tried this recipe. My dough is now, "fermenting," in a bowl on the counter, waiting for our taco dinner tonight.. I'll let you know how they taste tomorrow.

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