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Old 12-30-2020, 07:15 AM
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Default January 2021 Colorado Sewing Machine Get Together - Part 1

We hope that everyone had a pleasant and enjoyable holiday season. Christmas day in Denver this year was in the 50s and quite pleasant.

With the holidays behind us, we are presenting the activities of our members for the January virtual meeting. The holidays allowed some of our members more time to work on sewing machine interests and some of us a little less. We have descriptions and pictures of work from some of our members, along with the greetings of others.


Dorothy sent us a note:

Good Tidings to All!

I have, very late in Holiday time been sewing microwave bowl cozies and will expand to a mixer cover for my Niece & Husband. A shirt for Her Father will be finished. Not much sewing.
I heard from a former work mate who showed up in Engineering one day asking if She could shorten sleeves, etc.
She began sewing on a Juki walking machine with the speed turned down and did NOT scream!

Yiyi is from China and shared that She & Cousins were forbade from sewing despite Her Grandmother running a clothing business and sewed clothes on a treadle. Education was the path!
Turns out, if you are 5' tall clothes are not made to fit you. Yiyi had spent a lot of money on hemming sleeves, shirt tails and pant hems. Eventually, a 62C was purchased along with the knit stretch cams and some basic lessons in alteration was done over a couple months.
Yiyi contacted me Monday indicating she had continued altering items on the Elna and is now ready to expand her sewing Journey!!!
Always good to get more people on a machine!

Happy New Year!


Dianne sent a note, too. She writes:

Enjoy the holiday on this sunny, warm day!

I discovered yesterday that the blue Brother Pathfinder could become totally jammed up with just the slightest bit of thread in the bobbin area, just like a featherweight. It was a shock, but easy to fix once the problem was diagnosed. Nothing had to be taken apart. Smile.

The holidays are so filled with family memories that it can be difficult to stay positive in the present circumstances. But next year should/will/must be better!



Leon, who is joining us from Kansas, has been working on a fascinating cutaway display machine. He writes about this and some other things that he has been working on.

I have been continuing to work on the cutaway 99. I added paint this weekend to a few of the pieces. The flash made it look better than I expected


A Harris Number 9 hand crank showed up,circa 1920s made in Germany. I needed a bit of tinkering but is making nice stitches now.


My nasty $10.00 201 is looking better. I added a thread guide made from light wire. I wonder how long it will hold.


Hope all are staying healthy and safe.

.... to be continued
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