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Old 01-02-2021, 03:22 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Northern Michigan
Posts: 12,861

I spent time in my sewing room today, cleaning/ picking up- and worked on making my UFO lists- I have 4 lists- (1) quilts just needing quilted and or bound (2) quilts in various stages of piecing (3) hand/ travel project ufos- the ones ( mostly wool appliqué or EPP) that I work on during breaks at work, when riding/ traveling, waiting for appointments, sometimes working on at home watching tv. And (#4) is the list of projects I’m Supposed to make- ones that were asked for years ago- someone is ( still waiting) wondering if I’m ever going to get around to it- I have everything I need for these- just haven’t taken the time to work on them- for whatever reason.
I think list (1) has the most on it- 9 or 10 the other lists have between 4 & 7 ( so far)
along with getting these organized & written down I also finished the 2020 temperature quilt blocks/ strips. I still need to add outside borders then quilt & bind - but I love having all the piecing done - 366 flying geese blocks ! I’m feeling pretty good about sticking with it for the whole year. It will not become a UFO, it’s for my daughters (45th) birthday- she is really excited about it.
my goal is to work on a ufo for at least a couple hours every day I get to sew, then work on what ever ( current) project I have going on- No New projects before a ufo is finished. I’m hoping to be able to finish a ufo every week or two. And I’m counting those ( supposed to make ) projects as the new starts-
Some of the need to quilt projects are small. I should be able to do 2 or 3 of them quickly.
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