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Old 01-13-2021, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Rff1010
Help! Please send motivation and or inspiration lest I UFO again.

Rule 1 for Quilts of Valor- if you are trying to honor someone's sacrifice don't give them something that looks like @$$.

I had alot of red white and blue scraps leftover from another project so I decided to try a QOV project. My odd sized pieces I crumb-ed together. I had some blue and white 4 patch with red surrounds I had orphaned from something else. I had some other blue white HSTs that i also surrounded to match style and size of the 4 patchs. I made some white w blue "spot in the middle" from some accidentally cut strips. So I had about equal number of 6.5 crumb blocks and organized blocks. The plan was to alternate so I would have strong red and white lines and crumbs in between.

It looked like hell. I spent 2 hours laying out, arranging, rearranging, taking pictures. I just wanted to cry because it was just so disappointing. I finally abandoned the crumb blocks and got to.something...tolerable....but just barely and I'm not really proud of it.

So I'm looking for some sympathy. Suggestions. Stories perhaps of your own struggles with crumbs, scraps.

(I'm trying to attach pictures as I know that will give more perspective on my tale of woe)
Sometimes RW&B can be just too intense. I would suggest bringing in gold, goldenrod or a butter scotch color to soften the impact of RW&B. Wish we had a photo. Do you need help with photos? I can send directions of what works for me. PM me. Then we can all give you way too many ideas of what to do!
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