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Old 01-17-2021, 02:34 PM
Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 25

Hello everyone, apologies for being late in getting back. Long story short, I was waiting for a reply from my cousin about the quilt top, hoping that she might have a bit more info on it. Around 1986, I helped my cousin and her husband clean out his great aunt's house when she passed. The quilt top was from that cleaning - they were going to throw it in the trash! I did find out that it was most likely made by the husbands grand mother, but no idea as to when. They lived in a small town in Western PA. Anyhow, after storing it for all these years and getting into quilting myself several years ago, I decided to revisit this top and that is what led to my initial ask.
So thank you all for the ideas, opinions, thoughts and advice! I appreciate all the various points of view. As I've pondered what to do, I decided that for now it will go back in to storage untouched. When covid releases us from captivity I will seek out an expert who will hopefully be able to help me decide what the best path forward is. My interest is really in the historical aspect of the top and if it seems a good move, I am wiling to donate it to a museum that will honor it. All of you that took the time to respond really helped me figure out a plan. Many thanks!!
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