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Old 01-30-2021, 05:42 AM
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Omaha, NE
Posts: 52

Originally Posted by rryder
Patg- right now, I’m just sewing them together, willy nilly, no plan yet. Just improvising as I go. Instead of sewing them together the usual way (right sides together w/ quarter inch seam), this time I’m slightly overlapping them face up and stitching a decorative stitch on the overlap to hold them together (think appliqué). A few years ago I did one where I sewed the pieces together and then cut them into squares and rectangles and used them like blocks in a quilt. I’ll see if I can find photos of that one and post it later today. That one was a little more fiddly than the one I started this week. The new one is meant to be a mindless sewing project for me when I'm tired of working on things that take thought or precision but still want to play with my sewing machines .

Thanks for the information. I have some adding machine paper rolls and a bunch of really small pieces that I want to start sewing on. I should keep it out so I can stitch a bit in between projects. I see you have a Featherweight, I have a couple myself, one is set up in my sewing room and I use it a lot, I was lucky enough to find a FW cabinet a few years ago at a thrift store and refurbished it.
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