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Old 02-19-2021, 06:38 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Houston, TX
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Julie, if it doesn't show up in a few days, report it to the post office. My husband ships a lot of stuff and he has had some weird things happen lately. He's found that if a package is stuck or showing weird locations, if he reports it to the post office someone has to investigate and they often get delivered in a day or two. I have no idea what that is about, but it seems to work for him.

A lot of people here werent' at all prepared which I don't really understand because it's mostly the same prep as for a hurricane. We weren't as well prepared as we should have been. With the sensationalist news, I thought they were doing they usual gross exaggeration and it wouldn't get that cold. But even with not the best prep, we did fine. No broken pipes (at least that we've found) and while it was cold, it wasn't dangerously cold. We were able to keep the house about 45 in most rooms. We ran the generator and space heaters and kept the bedroom warm and used the fireplace during the day so the living room was not too bad. My husband complained a lot about the cold, but then he could have put on big boy pants and not been as cold.
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