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Old 03-03-2021, 11:29 PM
Patrick's Mom
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: In the Midwest
Posts: 250

1. I would be the lady in shorts and a t-shirt walking down the street pushing my wheeled walker. I just had a total knee replacement. My newest quilting kitty Harley, a brown Maine coon kitten, would be in tow. Harley joins Louis and Benny, both orange tabbies. I think of Harley as Nermal with 2 Garfields (Louis and Benny).
2. Patrick is my son. After having him, I was no longer "Sheri." My identity was connected to him, thus, "Patrick's Mom." When I went to his school for conferences, I always wrote "Patrick's Mom" on my name tag. It drove him crazy, but the teachers always knew who I was.
3. My given name is Sheryl. I was born in the 60's when nicknames were all the rage. When my parents called me by my real name and middle name, I knew I was in trouble. I swore when I had a child of my own, I would call him by his given name, and not a nickname. It is a lot less confusing legally and professionally.
4. My first quilt was made with 6 inch denim squares
cut from old jeans using a cardboard template to trace around and cutting them out with scissors. That was 1978. I still have the quilt. Someday I will figure out how to post pictures...
5. Oldest UFO is a stack and wack quilt which is nearly done. Started in 1997. I hate matching all those triangle points. Maybe someday...
6. I don't believe I have ever seen the King and I. I did not know the answer to the question.
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