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Old 03-04-2021, 07:37 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Spencer, OH
Posts: 272

Do you have any friends or know someone that is organized? I'm one of those people but I'm in Ohio. I've gone to friends houses and helped them get organized. It helps to have someone that isn't "invested" in your stuff to keep you moving instead of getting caught up in "oh....I remember when I bought this....oh....isn't this fabric pretty....and on and on and on". Don't buy any organizing bins or shelves until you see what you need. Until it's organized to a degree you won't know what you need or how much space you'll have to put them in. In one case there were so many leftover storage containers we had empty ones laying around. Folding your fabric neatly (and dare I say ironing it) takes up so much space than just wadding it into shapes and putting it away.
You can do this....start in one corner and work your way around the room. There are youtube videos and online groups that you can look into.
Good's a fun journey!!
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