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Old 03-10-2021, 04:34 PM
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Location: Portage, Michigan
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Sewbizgirl, thanks for the question.
1. Binding on the January Color Block with Debby Brown
2. Assembling February Color Bock quilt- about 2/3 done.
3. Considering skipping the March Color Block quilt but who knows?
4. Planning a trip to the "Hen House" a quilt shop about an hour from me to go shopping! I want to do a quilt in Civil War Reproduction prints and have nearly none in my stash The plan is for a sampler quilt from the book, Harriett's Journey based on the Jennifer Chiaverini, "A Circle of Quilters." I spent the past 14 months sewing like a crazy person from my stash and now I have lots of odds and ends but not much that thrills me or inspires me. I am sooooooo tired of scrappy quilts from my stash. I need a refresher. So a treat to me! Off to the shop that has half a store of reproduction fabrics.
5 My quilt group has been meeting twice a week on Zoom to sew and chat for a year now. Tomorrow during our Zoom time, I should get the top finished for the February Color Block quilt then maybe send it out for quilting.... or not. I have a back and batting so... maybe.
6. I am teaching two classes this semester so my quilting time is about 1/3 of what I had last year this time. Sad, so sad, but I really like cushioning my retirement account with some part-time teaching. Lots of what I am doing every day is for my classes.

Now, someone else share their quilting projects with us. I have more but they can wait for another time.
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