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Old 03-27-2021, 09:52 PM
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 1

Originally Posted by AnInspiredMess
Hi friends, just had to share my first vintage machine "resurrection" project. I didn't even (really) know I had this White rotary until yesterday. My dear dad bought this is machine / cabinet for me 25 years - and was so proud of his garage sale "find". At the time, I was so consumed with career and living on my own that I didn't even look at the machine. Over the years, it traveled with me but was just became a heavy "end-table". On our last move, my DH wanted to throw it away after he pulled out a filthy, indistinguishable sewing machine and complained about the weight. Somehow, it made its way to my sunroom.

Flash forward to 2019 - I've reconnected with my sewing/quilting roots and I'm dedicated to saving vintage machines. I've been collecting for the past 3 months, and remembered the gift from my dear dad just yesterday as we gathered for Easter. I opened her up last night, amazed that she's been patiently waiting for 25 years. I gathered the necessary tools and products to clean her up - and here she is! I have a line of Singers waiting for me, but this is my first attempt to "resurrect" - I think she looks pretty good! Might be a White Rotary 43? - cannot find much online about this model. Will need to find a presser foot, rubber motor pulley, and manual - I'm sure it can be done. My dad passed away 4 years ago, and I'm sad he isn't here to share in my joy in this machine. I have a feeling he knows I cleaned this beauty up today. Thanks for reading...if you're still here. I feel ready to move on to my other machines now!
Attachment 611957
Hello just found this sight while searching for info on the White Rotary 43 that I just aquired. Was wondering if you were able to locate the bits and pieces needed to restore yours. I will need a few odds and ends for mine as well. I realise this is an old post but hope you somehow stumble accross my message and wouldn't mind helping me out. Thanks for your time
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