Old 03-04-2010, 04:23 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 7,286

Originally Posted by mjsylvstr
when you get a few minutes, would you write and explain what these groups (IRR) are.
Thanks, MaryJane

MJ, IRR stands for International Round Robin. Anyone who wanted to join signed up, then Elle and Patti divided us into groups. There are ten groups of six people each, and six "Rounds". Everyone made a "Center" Block that was up to 24 inches square. Then you send your center on to your assigned mailing person. Person 1 sends to Person 2 who sends to Person 3...etc... and Person 6 sends to Person 1. For each "Round" you add a border of a pre-determined width: 3", 5", 6", 7", 8", 9". For each round you have about two months. So, at the end of a year, you get a finished quilt back that six other people have helped construct. It is absolutely fascinating to see what the other people come up with. Everyone's ideas and execution are unique, which makes it really fun, and challenging. This was my first Round Robin, but it definitely won't be my last!!! Just like the Doll Quilt Swaps, I am completely hooked.

If you want a good laugh, read the beginning of the thread, where Terri is crying because she knows she's going to be moving, and decides she can't join in this time. Now, WHICH person do you think is a member of not one, but TWO different groups??? :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll: :-P :-P God Bless her!!

And as far as being beyond your skill level, it's not. There are all levels of quilters involved, from brand newbies up.
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