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Old 03-29-2021, 02:18 PM
Clueless Quilter
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 193

THANK YOU ALL! You have confirmed what I thought.

The pieces of fabrics I posted are from a box of fabric that belonged to my grandmother and great-grandmother, although none are the same as the diamonds that were cut out by my great-grandmother and that I used in the quilt top. As with the fabrics in the quilt top, all of the pieces in the box are from fabric that was left from yardage after they cut out their house dresses and aprons. It was given to me in the late 70's to early 80's and I have never added other fabric to it as it is very precious to me. (No reproductions.) As have a vague recollection, as a child in the 60's, of one of the fabrics in the box as a dress (no idea of how hold the dress was and yes I am old) I just wanted to make sure that the piece of fabric I add is from the same era as the rest of quilt top.

Several of the diamonds in the quilt top have fabric very similar to fabric number 2, the fabric on the right. Like Elizabeth, however, I have never seen the fabric on the left before, fabric number 1. I think am going to use number 1 as the coloring is a little more subdued and I think balances with the diamonds that I already have in the border the best.

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