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Old 04-02-2021, 05:30 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Cottage Grove, MN
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Thanks, Rob!

I agree it seems like I am always organizing and/or decluttering. I have watched a few minimalism videos and I know that isn’t for me at this time. However, there are ideas that I think about as I go through the organizing/decluttering stages.

Julienm1: ❤️ that your husband won’t ask you about throwing away batting again. Our church preschool has been taking the small batting scraps. I have no clue how they use them. 🤷‍♀️

thepolyparrot: I saw a huge dandelion plant at my neighbor’s house this afternoon. Way too early for them to be popping up already but it was in a very sunny spot with protection from the house. I do have tiger lilies up a few inches and my peonies are starting to break through also. Very early for them too.
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