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Old 04-04-2021, 04:35 PM
Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 14
Default reply to my minnesota A post

I'm still learning how to use this forum, sorry if i make mistakes. Advice welcome!

The 3rd Minnesota A i spoke of before is WAY too far gone, missing too many parts, had been left out in the weather too long and found in the back of a local antique store, and he gave it to us. We want to make it useful so a wall lamp seems appropriate and will look good. From that antique store we got a very old parlor cabinet with such beautiful front decor and he had a Minnesota A laying around, he said it was from the parlor cabinet but the wire broke so he removed it. we go the entire cabinet and the Minn-A for $50. Hubby got more wire, and got the machine back in to the cabinet and treated the wood, OMG looks beautiful. NOW I have to figure out how to work it. It had a shuttle, one only and a bobbin I think but I have no clue how to put the bobbin into the shuttle and more. I'm so new at treadles, just scared I think. We have 3 treadles, 1 is a WHITE, and a Minn-A and a no letter Minnesota which i find NO info on. I love the parlor cabinet, just beautiful wood. Do pictures come thru here ok?
Want to know more about this group.

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