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Old 04-10-2021, 10:11 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Camarillo, CA
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Givio - I don't remember who on this thread told me about her process for quilting large quilts on her domestic machine. My machine is a Brother 1500S. It only has a 9" harp. You lay out your quilt to sandwich it as usual. Then you cut off JUST THE BATTING on each side of the sandwich in about 3rds. I label both sides of the batting with a marker (RT (right top), LT (left top), so when I reattach the batting it will line up nicely. I then attach the middle section of the quilt in however method you prefer, pins, spray, etc. I use Elmer's School Glue, diluted somewhat. I squiggle it on the middle in around 6" sections and brush it with a 3" cheap paintbrush, then smooth it down. I put the glue on the batting. I found if I roll the pieced top on two pool noodles, attached with a dowel in the middle of the two pool noodles, I can just unroll it over the gluey batting a little at a time. I let that dry a little before turning it over and doing the same with the backing. When quilting, leave enough empty on the sides to reattach the batting. I reattach one side as above by ironing a 1 1/2" piece of fusible interfacing on the two pieces (or you can whip by hand), quilt that side, then do the same with the other side. I hope this makes sense.

QNS - so glad you are finally back on the Board, we have missed you. I also love my Kindle for reading! I use Book Bub for their free books. Keeps me very entertained when I am not working on my quilting.

I have put one block aside, it is #57 Inspiration!!! Good name, I just hung it in a baggie on my display wall in line with my completed blocks (lol). I tried and tried and have given up on it for now. All the other blocks I have completed. There are numerous ones with 40 or more pieces! Some are quite complicated and take a while to complete. I am a little behind this week, I have one block from last week to finish up, then my two for this week. These blocks are much more complicated than her other three quilts I have completed!

The thing for the blocks not completed with the others (#57) is that you need to replace the missing one with something, as you attach them to the next round of the quilt as you go along. At least the quilt will all be completed when the final blocks are done and attached. Round and round we go!

Last edited by JeanieG; 04-10-2021 at 10:13 AM.
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