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Old 04-23-2021, 02:58 PM
L'il Chickadee
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: Pacific Northwest
Posts: 158

Really good question, Bearisgray. I don't think I've ever made up everything into a kit before starting a quilt. I do like having things all sorted, fabric all washed and ironed, thread selected and some bobbins filled and ready, sewing area more or less all picked up and other projects put away. Such a pampered feeling to get up in the morning and have it all set up and ready to go. But. Does. My. Brain. Work. Like. That? Nooo! First I've got to study the pattern backwards and forwards, pick it all apart, find another way to do the blocks, even when the prescribed way is just fine, usually change the block size just because, on and on. Sew some test blocks with some old ugly practice fabric because I haven't washed the good stuff yet. And then the self doubt and frustration start to kick in. Did I do the math right? Better not start cutting until I'm sure and Yah, you should have washed the fabric so why are you even thinking about cutting. Did you buy enough? Are you sure those colors are going to look right? Do you even know what you're doing? Maybe you should get out in the yard and do some weeding. Or mess up another cross stitch. So good at that.
Once I fight my way past all that, sometimes it gets on a smooth roll and the magic happens. Then I don't talk about what I'm working on with anybody. I don't know, superstition? If somebody knows about it will it turn sour and all wind up in a UFO box? Well, okay, my hubby can see what I'm doing. Poor guy, he's very careful, nods and smiles, Heh Heh, then runs for cover.
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