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Old 05-04-2021, 01:06 PM
gardengirl1331's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 62

Originally Posted by Peckish
I'd be sorely tempted to educate him.
Oh trust me, I'd kind of like to, especially since I asked about ordering me a bobbin case just as another thing to try and he never got back to me. But he blamed using C&C thread, schmetz needles (and possibly my not inserting them all the way), and user error. He talked about needles hitting the part under the case, and when I told him I have only broken 2 needles since I've been sewing (since 1987 on and off) he didn't really believe me. I said it's only been two and both were within the last 5 years or so and were both due to top stitching on denim seams (which I don't do any more), and both points had to be yanked out of the fabric, nothing ever got into the machine and he just kind of looked at me.

And Lady Diana, yup I got it at Ken's. It came in a clear plastic bag with nothing on it and I got worried it was a knockoff since it didn't come in any kind of packaging, but everyone says his stuff is legit so I'm just kind of trusting it is.

Yeah my machine says nothing about oiling it, but people on here all suggest to put one small drop of oil on the wick (under the bobbin case) occasionally.
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