Old 05-05-2021, 07:03 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
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Posts: 6,686

Love all the fabrics so far.. Mine is cut and in the baggies just need to add the note.

In Texas at first the heat was overwhelming but we acclimated pretty fast. Here in Minnesota the heat and humidity come and go, we never have a chance to get use to it.

We will be heading to the lake Thursday after our new mattress arrives. I laid down on the new mattress and it literally did not move. The next morning hubby had 2 take a couple pain relievers because he ached all over. We went home and he researched RV mattresses and happily the one he chose was in stock. Yeah for us. Hopefully I will have the inside all organized by the time we leave Sunday

My dd is still looking at buying our house and I’ve now come around to be excited for her. We should know one way or another in the next 10 days. We rented a storage unit about a hour away and have started to fill it. If Kelly doesn’t buy the house all my fabric will have to be stored there. Not a happy thought but a necessity

Enjoy your day
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