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Old 05-16-2021, 11:17 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Northern Michigan
Posts: 12,861

I headed for my sewing room this morning ( last quality time in there in March— according to the calendar in there). Hubby to sew? My reply— maybe
i started cleaning-
piles and disorganization everywhere.
started at the door, I spent 3 hours, putting things away, putting projects together where they should be, sorting, shredding, recycling, started a bag of donation stuff ( miscellaneous stuff that has been given to me, or dropped off, or who knows where it came from, or why? The room had kind of become a catch all with all the stuff to deal with later- even stacks of junk mail
Now, the stack of drawers inside the door is cleaned off ( first time in probably 10 years) the display cabinet - all cleaned off and inside too. Ironing board, cutting table, machine cabinet sewing looks so nice now! Now I just need to find another day I can spend actually getting some sewing done. I truly got a lot done and it feels so good. I did manage to sew together a quilt back for the next quilt I need to get quilted- the stack of quilt tops to be quilted are all together and I’m just going to start at the top & try to get them done. I can concentrate on that and not mess things back up for a while- which will be nice. I’ve been feeling kind of stretched thin for the past month or so, my hubby even mentioned at dinner Friday night that it feels like it’s been a Long time since we sat down and had dinner together.
now, laundry is almost done, yard work is done, dinner is in the oven, trying to ( gear up) to start another 2 week crazy work stretch in the morning. Today has been nice
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