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Old 05-26-2021, 08:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Dedemac View Post
Why did your doctor tell you to take turmeric? And Rosemary's book is awesome, very informative.
I went to an orthopedist yesterday because I was having chronic and severe pain in all of my joints, but especially in my left knee. He showed me the X-rays and my knee cartilage was completely gone and my other joints are following close behind. I am getting increased inflammation throughout my body and it is getting where I just can't move at all on most days. He gave a steroid shot in the left knee and started me on physical therapy. He also recommended other pain relief therapies. He brought up turmeric, not me, which surprised me coming from a traditional, Western medicine doctor. We also talked about prescription drugs and the use of CBD oil and arnica gel. I like that he will cross the lines into alternative medicines, but still in a very scientific, yet open minded way.

Anyway...about turmeric milk...I made some last night, pretty much as the recipe prescribed. I used the almond milk with coconut oil recipe on the post above. The only difference was that instead of adding all of those flavoring spices individually, I just added my pre-made, Garam Masala blend, which has all of those spice in it anyway. I have to say that the "Golden Milk" was delicious! I had a couple of cups. It was also very energizing, like coffee without the jitters. I had a little bit of trouble getting to sleep last night, so I think it's better as a morning drink.

This morning I made another batch and switched out half of the honey for some monk fruit still really tasted great! I also think that some of my swelling as gone down in my "good knee." From now on, I'm ditching the coffee and drinking this brew instead every morning. I'll let you know how it works for me.

Yes, Rosemary Gladstar is a treasure. Personally, I sometimes get impatient with the hippy-dippy types, ("This herb makes me feel sooooo centered"...what the heck does that mean?) but I have to always remember that she has over 45 years of studying herbal medicines and so she really does know her stuff. I've grown to love her hippyness and colorful comments.
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