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Old 04-23-2008, 07:13 AM
Quilting Aggi
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Originally Posted by bj
Roben, the only thing I would suggest (unless you have a separate cutting area) is to have your cutting area a little higher than your sewing area...saves on the back because you aren't stooping over so much to cut.
I find the height of my deep freeze is the perfect height for cutting.

I have a Horn Sewing Cabinet. Unfortunately it has been in storage for the last 4 years and I miss it terribly! But one thing I do love about it is the extension on the back of my cabinet that I can open up and out to give me another 4 feet of space when I am machine quilting. it supports my quilt perfectly!

I love your light box idea!!!

Say do you hire out your hubby?? I'll be needing a new sewing studio designed when I get my house before the end of this year :)

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