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Old 06-23-2021, 12:09 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: The Finger Lakes of upstate NY
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We have been enjoying fresh, local strawberries for a couple of weeks. Note to self: Do not schedule colonoscopy during strawberry (or any berry) season again. I was so disappointed to not be able to eat them for several days.

Local berries are a favorite and I wish the season was longer. They will probably be here for another week, and that will be that. I make freezer jam as it tastes so fresh during the winter. Also froze a few to use in strawberry syrup. Much as I love fresh berries, I detest frozen and thawed. Syrup and smoothies is all I use them for.

Love lemon curd, and would also like to try the strawberry curd if you share the recipe.
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