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Old 07-08-2021, 07:54 AM
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Originally Posted by tropit
Bean-Cauliflower "Alfredo sauce" with spinach and mushrooms over whole wheat toast. I've seen lots of vegan, Alfredo recipes, but not using beans and cauliflower. I haven't tried this sauce yet, but we're having it tomorrow for breakfast. Here's my plan:

Toast the bread, put a layer of lightly seasoned, steamed spinach on the toast, highly season and grill the mushrooms, (ie: mushroom "bacon,") place on top of spinach, cover with Alfredo sauce. I'll let you know how it tastes tomorrow.

Oops...forgot to post the actual recipe for the sauce. There are several that I found today, but I'm going with this one: . It's got less oil in it than the others. I also saw one that suggested that you roast the cauliflower in the oven, instead of steaming it, for depth of flavor. It's too hot for that today.'s the review of this sauce..

Pretty good! I was surprised at how good it was. I was expecting a grainy, bland sauce, but it was really very creamy and rich. I did add more nutritional yeast, a little garlic and S&P to amp up the flavor. I also traded the spinach in for kale and blended it into the sauce, so it was not white, but light green. I have leftover sauce, so it will be good with some pasta, or other veggies s/a broccoli, or cauliflower later in the week. Honestly, I don't think that your family, or guests would ever know that this was not a traditional white sauce. This is also a good sauce for those of you that are trying to limit your fat and carb intake.

BTW, I don't represent these recipe sites in any way. Some of them want you to join their club and whatnot and I don't propose that you do that. I just find their recipes are worth looking at. My only goal is to slowly change my eating habits for better ones and share any recipe finds with you.
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