Thread: Chain piecing
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Old 07-13-2021, 07:29 PM
L'il Chickadee
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2019
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Posts: 163

Originally Posted by Peckish
This reminded me of the time I was chain piecing. It was late at night, everyone else was in bed asleep, and I was enjoying some alone time. There I was, happily stitching away, when all of a sudden some kind of creepy crawly ran down my leg. I shrieked, jumped back about 6 feet and fell off my chair onto the floor. All the sleeping menfolk came a-runnin to rescue me. I had to sheepishly tell them it was just my chain-pieced string of blocks, falling off the far edge of the table, that had brushed against my leg. 🥴🤣
Oh my gosh!! So funny. I hate bugs too and will jump out of my chair over a dumb little spider.
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