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Old 07-31-2021, 08:47 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,168

Ooof! What a slog and it is hot here. I'm almost on schedule... I'll be ready for the new sewing table but the closet remains shut, so that means boxes will remain stacked for the short term. I'm in the exploded stage where you can't believe how much stuff you crammed in. My desk particularly is about 2 foot deep in assorted junk.

But -- the bookcase has been emptied and moved out of the room, it was taller (and wider) than the door so required some angles and such to get out. Good thing I remembered putting it in, and I avoided hitting the ceiling light fixture as well.

Taking a coffee break and then need to clear off the current sewing table (piled much like the desk) and then get that out of the room. Not sure if I have to take the legs off or not, won't know until it's cleared off.

I have found about a hundred of my steadily declining pin collection, and while I can sweep those up, apparently I am a sucker for rescuing safety pins. I've been having little talks with myself about "different economies" and just buy some new ones, but each time the floor is swept up, the safety pins are still being rescued.
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