Thread: Masks
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Old 09-06-2021, 06:46 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2019
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well...I am probably one of them....If I have several stops to make, I normally just leave my mask on as taking it on and off is a risk factor in itself in cause you actually handle the outer surface. Remember, the outer surface of the mask is where things will get caught. So theoretically, if you touch the contaminated outer surface of the mask and while taking it off and then put it back on, you could have contaminated the inner surface....and then you take a breath. that is why they say to handle the mask by its straps only when taking it off. And additionally, I just don't have much of an issue breathing with a mask on. I played bassoon in high school, that took a lot of air, and I wore a mask often during my past careers. Actually, I like wearing a mask, especially during pollen season or recently during the forest fire season. Helps filter out all those particles. I do go mask less in my yard and on my walks but I do try and keep my distance from others on my walks. Ha, I am so aware of the direction of the wind these days when outside. oh, the respirators I wore for one of my jobs was the kind with the big cartridges and the silicone face pieces....the cloth/paper masks are so much lighter and more comfortable to wear.
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