Thread: Masks
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Old 09-17-2021, 03:13 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2019
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I was a bit bored today, so I looked at my states health departments covid data. Very interesting. The counties are colored by what percentage of folks are vaccinated, and another one for what the latest rate of infection is, and I previously I looked at the map of what counties voted republican and what ones voted democratic. Well, You could just about overlay all three and the colors would match up. The republican counties have the fewest vaccinated and highest rates of infection. Go figure. Me, I will keep wearing my mask and isolating although I do live in one of the counties with the higher rates of vaccinated and lower rates of infection. I have upgrade however for the most part to an N95 when I need to go to places, like dr's appts where there are a lot of folks. Our local stores now have a supply of N95's available for purchase. I see too many people wearing masks improperly. Oh, and although our state has about 73 % of people over 16 vaccinated, we are near capacity for ICU's. That is scary. I know, medical folks have quit due to burnout and a fair number have died. It is really sad....I am beyond anger anymore...just grieving for what did not need to be lost and the people who have lost a loved one.
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