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Old 10-11-2021, 04:31 PM
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Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 123

The movers we use, (have used the same company before) have no problem with us leaving things in drawers/dressers. But, with my fabric so heavy and so much of it, I'm afraid that if the fabric got pushed/or slid against the cabinet doors, it would damage the doors. And my shelves in the cabinets are adjustable also, and just sit on brass pegs, so I don't really trust the shelves not to get damaged with the weight as well if the fabric were to slide. For the actual move, the adjustable shelving will be taken out of the cabinets also, to protect the cabinets/shelving. I asked the movers about box weight and size and they said it didn't matter how heavy or big the boxes were, so I packed them in boxes that were long enough for the bolts.

I keep all my fabric, even the 1 yard lengths 'bolt' like, if you know what I mean - that way I don't have any new folds, just the folds of how they are on the original bolts.

It ended up that each box weighs approx. 100 lbs. The boxes are 19 x 28 x 16. Fabric is soooo heavy. Thank goodness the boxes are heavy cardboard. DH says that it will take something nuclear for them to pop open on their own. The boxes are now up ended and standing in a row, ready for them to be dollied out to the moving truck(s) when the time comes.

I just started a new quilt and kept all of the project fabric out, so I'll have enough to do until I get unpacked. As if I'll have a lot of time to work on it, with all that needs to get done with the move! LOL But, it will be nice to be able to sit and relax with it occasionally, in the meantime!

Now, just to find floor space in the house to put more packed boxes for the rest of the household that still remains to be packed!
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