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Old 10-14-2021, 09:33 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Default Flannel Blankets with crocheted edges

Originally Posted by Nesie
I am interested in making some flannel blankets with crocheted edges. (Not fleece)
I checked the archives and didn't see exactly what I was looking for.
For those of you that have made these, did you use two layers of fabric?
Wasn't sure if one layer of flannel would hold up to the skip cutter used to make the holes.
Nothing against using fleece, I just have a it of flannel I want to use up.
I have made a lot of flannel blankets. For the single layer blankets, I turn under about 1/8-1/4" then do a zig-zag stitch all the way around using a wing needle. I try to set my stitch length so that the wing needle punches a hole where I want the crochet needle to be inserted; sometimes I skip a couple of stitches to do this. By turning a hem, it reinforces the edge of the blanket. For the double layer blankets, if I want to do a crocheted edge, I just do a wider zig-zag stitch (still adjusting the stitch length) and trim close to the zig-zag stitch. If the hole ends up being too small, I use an awl to increase the size just a bit. I also stitch a large square in the center of the blanket or do a criscross stitch from corner to corner. This stabilizes the layers so they don't shift after washing.
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