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Old 10-21-2021, 07:43 AM
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: West Sacramento, CA
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1. What one food is a “must have” on your Thanksgiving table? Herbed Stuffing and gravy (they are one food in my book)
2. What is the one “most hated” dish on the Thanksgiving table that seems to appears every year? (cornbread stuffing - gag
3. Tell us a story of a Thanksgiving Oops! We have al had them. My good friend and I were making Thanksgiving dinner and she was bringing the turkey. When she got out of the car, the turkey fell and hit the ground. She started crying and I wanted to solve the problem. Picked the turkey up, put in on the platter and took it in the kitchen and gave it a good bath. This is the first time I have ever told the story and she swore me to secrecy but she is not longer with us.
4. In 25 words or less, just like those old cereal box contests, tell us what makes this holiday special to you and your family.
I love feeding my family and friends, the time of fellowship and games, and just enjoying being together. We always invite those that have no other family.
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