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Old 11-01-2021, 10:18 AM
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: NY state
Posts: 3

Originally Posted by feline fanatic View Post
This is all raw edge fusible applique and done exquisitely. I did trapunto style quilting on the heron by loading the top with wool batting (no backing) and I did all the feather detailing. Those bits that come off the edge of the quilt (the beak and tail feathers) were new for me. It represented some challenges but I think it turned out well. I didn't do any stitching on the beak but did feather details in the tail. I had to pin the body of the quilt back (as well as the batting) and went slow as I had to do it one handed. I had to use my other hand to hold the piece while quilting.

After the heron was all done, I cut away all the extra batting and loaded it up with backing a layer of W&N and another layer of wool. Then quilted all the background.

Techy summary:
Batting as mentioned above, wool, then a layer of wool over W&N
Thread: Invisfil by Wonderfil Threads, in multiple colors
Hours spent: Approximately 8 but at least 2 of those hours were spent ripping out stitches and redoing. I had some areas I had to rip out as my tension got all wonky on me. Looked great on top, no so much underneath. I think I was getting buildup of the adhesive on my needle which caused it to go all cattiwhompus for no other apparent reason. I then had to make sure when I redid it I was hitting the same needle holes because the fusible tends to keep old needle holes visible, especially when there are multiple layers built up.

The whole piece


Some detail shots


All the tan feathers are the ones I had to redo. But the whispy feathers in the cranes breast I had done prior to that and the tension was just fine there. Which is why I attributed the tension issue to adhesive buildup on my needle. I wiped it down with rubbing alcohol and that seemed to solve the issue. I had no problems after that.

And a gratuitous back shot:
Thanks so much for doing a wonderful job quilting my heron!
Janet Witte
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