Old 04-23-2008, 08:41 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 933

Hi, I hope you enjoy my musings and that they are of some use to you. I don’t have a lot of gears, because a lot of the quilting equipment is very expensive here and I’d rather make do and spend the money on fabric :lol: so some of the ways I do things may be quite helpful if you are starting out and want to make something but don’t yet want to make a large financial commitment in a lot of quilting gears.

Bear in mind that I come from another country and won’t know of all that is available. So if you see us doing some thing and know of tool that could make the job easier for others please feel free to speak out and let us know. You never know I might even plonk down the dosh myself :lol: .

I can only show you the way I do things and what works for me, there are heaps of ways of doing things out there and the right way is the one that works for you :P , that may not necessarily be the way I do something and that’s cool. I guess all I’m trying to do is give people another option and they can pick and choose out of it what works for them and what doesn't.

This month I am going to cover the making of the 9 and 4 patch, some ramblings bout fabric, quarter inch seams and pressing, please feel free to skip the boring bits :lol: . Some uses for the 9 patch and some settings


At this stage I would recommend using 100% cotton fabrics, Not because I’m some kind of fabric snob, I have used allsorts of fabric in my quilts when it’s suited me, but mainly because it behaves itself a bit better than the blends, so is easier to learn with.

I prewash everything, now I know this subject is liable to start an international incident :lol: but that’s my preference, what you choose to do is up to you and what suits you best.

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