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Old 11-16-2021, 09:15 AM
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Location: Mostly Oklahoma (Army Brat)
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Originally Posted by Motorcyclemad
Chalk up another November finish. I just finished my 1-year old Saturday Sampler UFO. Yay! --Just in time to pick up my last block and finishing kits for the two Saturday Samplers I joined this past year. Now let's see if these two take 6-months and a year to finish.

Okay, trying the picture again.
... and again.
Not sure what is going on, but I will try to post the pictures later.

Still not getting the pictures to post, but I did manage to pull out three more UFOs that were hiding away in a tote-all nice and warm. Apparently I have two-5 foot long totes with UFOs and purchased kits languishing in a storage shed. Teach me to go looking for some yarn (which I didn't find ).

First one is a "Taz Around-the-World". It has been idling for at least 14-years. I did buy a tan batik to help round it out, but it is now all cut and ready to be sewn.

Second is an Orange & Turquoise ATW that is closer to 10-yo. Also cut and ready to sew.

Third is a "Big Girl Quilt" for my cousin's daughter with some bright colored orphan blocks someone gave me. Packaged when she was 7yo, it is going on 13-years in a bag. I think this one is no longer the right theme for someone in college. . I will at least finish the top, so that it can be ready when someone has a small girl that needs a hug!
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