Thread: "Weigh In"
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Old 03-06-2010, 03:39 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: lost in fabric & I'm not coming out until Secret Quilt Angel is over.
Posts: 938

Every lb is a lb closer to health Pats8e8 so be proud of yourself.

I AM PULLING OUT THE BIG GUNS NOW...........I am having a personal trainer. hehehe........ My daughter was training for the Chicago Marathon before she was injured she can't train however she can train me. She said this week she will lay on the couch and I will have to be working out. It is only pilates that I am physically able to do but never the less she is still training me. Let me just say Jillian Michaels from the biggest looser is like Doris Day compared to my DD. On second thought maybe I shouldn't have her as a trainer she might work me real hard so I have a heart attack and she gets her inhertance. this will take some thought, what the h**l if I died at least I will be thinner and the coffin could be carried without the people rupturing something. lol lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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