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Old 03-06-2010, 06:24 PM
Bethy's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Wabash, Indiana
Posts: 43

I have to agree with sew-crafty that a quilt will take how ever long that you want the quilt done and how big. Usually the cutting and the quilting are the scoundrels, because they take so much time. I have arthritis really bad in my thumbs and that takes a little more time, soooo.
I found early on that I could get the quilt top together pretty quick if I needed to, but if I had to hand quilt or try to machine quilt it would take forever. I love them when I hand quilt, but I will never be able to get the tops quilted at the same pace unless I take them to a long-arm quilter. I had this stupid idea in the beginning that I couldn't claim that I had made the quilt if I didn't do everything from start to finish, but I've since gotten over that. I also took on a quilt to do for someone else and it became a job and not something I did for me. I've had enough stress in the last few years, that I don't need anymore, therefore, I'm not going to do that again. I will do quilts, but not under the stressful situation. Everyone has their own stress levels, just know your own and don't try and go against the grain and you'll be okay. LOL Beth
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