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Old 12-21-2021, 06:41 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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Originally Posted by eibed View Post
Awesome!!! How did you attach your hexies on the yellow-golden quilt? Thanks!
Hi! The bee quilt was process, let me tell ya. HEAVY but will wash out and lighten up. I am actually wanting to wash this quilt before I gift it on Saturday but I don't know if I will have time but I am going to try. It is for my SIL so if I don't get to it, she will. As for the hexies, I cut them out, added a stabilizer to the back of them, using Elmer's washable glue, I folded the edges down to the back side, them glued them down to a piece of fabric, then stitched them down really close to the edges. To get my spacing somewhat (these worker bees weren't perfect) equal around all of the hexies, I made a hollow template our of a piece of cardstock with a half inch edge than placed the hexie in the center of the template to get my placement before gluing them to background fabric. The stabilizer and glue made this quilt stiff, heavy and a little more difficult to maneuver through the sewing machine to sew the hexies in place but there was no way I was sewing that many hexies on by hand. They are roughly a 7-71/2" hexie and this quilt measure around 72" x 76". I enjoyed making it but it needs washed to soften it up. It did quilt better than I expected with it being so stiff though, so that was a plus.
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