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Old 01-01-2022, 08:15 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 100
Question Quilting in Sections Overcomplicated?

Happy New Quilting Year!

I hope to quilt a 95” square quilt on my home sewing machine this year. Since it is so big, I have been researching how to quilt it in sections. My quilt top is in 4 unquilted sections right now with a 1 inch overhang, with a separate large border to be created.

The excellent videos and books I’ve watched all seem to describe connecting already quilted sections that each have about a one inch overhang past the quilted area. This unquilted overhang of top, batting, and backing is then connected using various techniques to the next quilt section. This method invariably requires that the backing fabric (about 1/2 to 1 inch wide) is then folded over to butt-up right next to the quilted backing of the first block, and then hand or machine sewn down.

It seems like it would be simpler and easier to leave at least a 6 inch backing overhang, which is still small compared to a full 95” quilt. Then, just before connecting Section 1 and Section 2 top and batting, you can sew a regular seam line on the backing with no need for fold-over seams that must be sewn down.

Sorry for the long post, but since I don’t see anyone online doing this, there must be a problem that I can’t see that makes this a bad idea. I have only completed one large quilt, so far, and it was in one section.

Has anyone tried this before, or who can figure out why it would or wouldn’t work? Thank you so much for the gift of your knowledge/experience!

Last edited by LadyAg; 01-01-2022 at 08:20 AM. Reason: Clarification
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