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Old 01-03-2022, 08:56 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Dallas area, Texas, USA
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I think of them by a distinct name as I work on them, usually just something to do with the color or pattern or who it's for, such as the churn dash or the bird quilt or Lori's quilt. I make labels using my embroidery machine and often include an image or at least an embroidered border. If it's for a baby, it will have the name and birthdate of the child. If it's for an occasion, it will say something like "25th anniversary" and the couple's names and date, and in those cases, it will also say "Made with love by ...". I have never put a quilt's name on one. The name is just for me to distinguish it from some other work in progress when I'm typing with a quilt friend. I like to make quilts for Project Linus, and they (and some other charities) request that no labels be included.
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