Old 01-04-2022, 01:14 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,114

Ooooh! SuzSLO, love your blocks. Lovely combinations. Right now that aqua is looking a bit strong, but I think when it is cut down and mixed with the hourglass and goose units we have that it will be distinctive and easy to follow but not quite so dramatic as a full block.

In my trying to keep my mind open, I am considering what very dark would look like against my stark white... I should take a picture of how diverse the 4-5 I've pulled as potential are.

Toverly, the sewing room requires my attention to detail, other things I can wave my hands and say, that all stays or goes. If I can clean up my stash, I can always open it up again! But goodness knows I have lots of stuff that is going to make the move but I don't need out entirely. Is most likely that if anything further is done it will be quilting down.
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