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Old 01-07-2022, 07:14 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Carroll, Iowa
Posts: 3,479

I had gained so much weight in the past years that I was having trouble breathing when I bent over. I finally went to my doctor to have my thyroid checked as my sister has been on meds since she was in H.S. Anyway, yes, my thryroid wasn't working as it should so he put me on a low dose.....25mg to start with and I'm still on it. I love to eat which I know is one problem for me but this past year I've been cutting the size of helpings, walking more even in the cold season and I only eat a dessert on Sundays when I go to have dinner at my sister's. So far I've lost 25 lbs for the year. I was hoping for 30 but I'm happy with this. I didn't gain the weight over night so can't expect to lose it overnight. Hopefully I can keep this weight off during the winter time and then go for another 25-30 lbs this year. I'd say I'd love to see my H.S. weight but that's ridiculous so 10lbs above that would be fine by me. It's possible if I just cut my helpings and don't snack too much.

I've tried weight losing pills,etc no luck so decided to eat healthy, smaller helpings and exercise when I can. I make soups to eat during the winter time and they seem to help keep the weight down for me too. Mostly from my garden produce.
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