Thread: New Bernina
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Old 01-15-2022, 08:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Jlowilliams#23 View Post
Bought my new 770QE just before Thanksgiving! Waited until I got my sewing room done. Now I am slightly intimidated by it!
I originally started with a Singer then on to a Brother. I've been hand quilting for so many years and afraid to plug in the new machine. Any suggestions on a friendly start up? I'm 2 hours from where I bought it for a class.
Umm... the new Bernina's have so many features that they are hard to use right out of the box. I do suggest you take the new owner's classes if you can. They may offer it on zoom. Anyway. If you go to and click on the "learn $ create" tab at the top, then scroll down a bit, you will find the "Mastery Workbooks" Click on that, there are separate ones for sewing, embroidery, and accessories. These will provide a lot of info as you work through them. Also, I have done a bit of googling for "Bernina 590 YouTube (I have a 590) and found some very helpful ones out there. For example, my bobbin got stuck in my bobbin case the other day, so I googled "how to do I get a bobbin out of my bobbin case when it is stuck" and found a wonderful you tube on it. The guy is known as "Bernina Jeff" and he has a lot of amazing YouTube on Bernina's. Another helpful site I have found is "Bernina of Naperville" She has a lot of helpful ones too and also some more advanced online classes. I initially had a new Bernina 570 but after several trips for service, I traded her back in for a Bernina 590 which so far has been trouble free. I think the 570 I had was truly a lemon. I have owned a Bernina 440, and a 630 before and they were good machines for me. The higher end Bernina's, however, do require so learning how to use as there are so many ways you can set them up to do what you want. I was fairly frustrated at first but as I learned how to operate my machine, I am really enjoying it now. It is sort of like getting a high end I-phone after using a simple flip phone or getting a new bells and whistles car after driving a basic 12-year-old car for a while. Yep, they can be frustrating. But I love the features on my newer car too.
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